Environmental Protection is a priority for all of the Meslec team and we recognise our role as a civil engineering company specialising in the environmental sector. The company operates an
Integrated Management System across the business covering the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Assurance.
We undertake to:
- Comply with all current legislation, approved codes of practice and regulatory guidance and other requirements to which we subscribe;
- Ensure a systematic approach to environmental management that includes:
- Establishing the sites conceptual model,
- Establishing the environmental aspects associated with the work,
- Implement the hierarchy of control as applicable to the aspect,
- Establishing site specific control limits for monitoring purposes
- Establish emergency measures for deployment in the event of failure of plant, protection measures and control systems
- Provide relevant information, supervision and training necessary for employees;
- Engage with all its workforce and stakeholders to allow effective communication and feedback in regards to its activities;
- Set objectives and targets to continually improve and achieve the highest standards of Environmental performance;
- Monitor, audit and review the effectiveness of the Environmental policy and procedures at least annually.